The answer is…just believe you are “Forever 29”!
They say age is a state of mind and I know this to be true! I live “Forever 29”! If you ask me my age…that is the number I will give you…each and every time…each and every year! Why? I feel it! I act it! I live it! I believe it! So, in my mind, it must be true! I never think about my age because that would just put limitations on me. I don’t ever want to think or feel I’m too old to try or learn new things. I just go along with living as if I’m “Forever 29”. My aim is to be experiencing life to the fullest…embarking on new challenges…and envisioning I will live the longest life in a very vital and energetic physical, mental, and spiritual state of being. It’s a great place to live.
Now, some of my friends or family may tease me that I am “delusional”. I say, WOW! Delusional is just fine with me and I laugh it off. I tell them they should try it sometime…they may be surprised how beautiful and joyful a place it is to live.
Living “Forever 29” shows on my face, shows up in my attitude, and shows up in the way I can easily work my brain and my body. I exercise both my brain and body every day to keep nimble, flexible, and focused. I have an attitude of gratitude for choosing to be “Forever 29”!
How about you? What age do you live at?
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