Kat Morrow at the Farmers Market

Kat’s Wisdom Corner: Buying Fresh from Local Farmer’s Markets

by Kat Morrow

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Fresh Produce from Local Farmer’s Markets…What an Amazing Experience!

Visualize wandering around your local farmer’s market and seeing all the vibrant colors of the fresh produce, smelling the herbs, and gorgeous blooming floral arrangements, and imagining the taste of crunching into the raw veggies or using them to create wonderfully healthy and delicious recipes. Sometimes I feel like a butterfly floating around and making sure I visit each vendor’s booth. 

Grab that cup of coffee, tea, or kombucha as you stroll around interacting with your fellow market goers or engaging in conversations with friends. Approach those booths with excitement while you peruse which tomato, or onion, or lettuces, or snow peas you will choose. There are countless choices which evolve and change each week as the growing season progresses. You catch a glimpse of the growers so happily tending their booths proud and excited you are choosing to purchase the fresh food they passionately worked so long and hard to grow to feed you and your family. 

You ask them questions to help make your choice easier as maybe they even select the “best” one for you.  It’s especially fun for me to watch my fiancée – and personal chef – Dan make his selections knowing the wheels are turning in his head as to what delicious dishes he will create with his picks of the week. He is very measured and certain not to buy more than he can use. I, on the other hand, get overstimulated and want to buy it all, but then he reminds me it will only go to waste if we go overboard. 

We buy breads, rolls, soups and cheeses too! The shopping options are abundant! Some markets also have local vendors who offer their amazing hand-crafted products like soaps, lotions, jewelry, pet treats, essential oils, and the like. Again, I remind myself to support local businesses. The prices may be somewhat higher than your local store, but are fair considering the nature of their work, the quality of their ingredients, and the cost of production and marketing. 

This is one of the most joyful experiences of summer for me!  I love going to farmer’s markets and anticipate it all week long. For I know, not only will I find the freshest, healthiest fruits and veggies, but I am supporting the families of these farmers who toiled tirelessly to be able to set up shop and offer their labors of love. Even though we don’t personally know one another, they care about me and I care about them! When I transact business with them, I look them in the eyes, smile, and thank them!  We have made each other’s day by appreciating each other’s efforts and support. 

I’d love to hear from you how shopping local impacts your life!  

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