Kat’s Wisdom Corner: 10 Tips for Staying Healthy & Fit

by Kat Morrow

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I practice what I preach about staying healthy and fit, so these tips I share are part of my daily regimen. I accept no excuses for myself because I love how I look and feel when I do them. I’m happy to say I’m rarely sick. I have high energy and brain focus, and my body is fit and lean. You can have this too! But you need to commit to yourself and make yourself a priority. You are worth it!

It’s not a complicated list but covers a lot. Reach out to me to get more information or clarity on these tips. You don’t need to do everything I do, but you can use it as a guide and modify it to fit your lifestyle. If you have some other best practices you’d love to share with me, I want to know, too, as I may learn something new from you!

1. WAKE UP MY BELLY! I start the morning with a glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice to get my digestive system on track and ready for the day.

2. MOVE IT! My exercise routine is non-negotiable, and it’s daily. I do cardio each day by running or brisk walking. I also do strength, yoga, and balance training 5 x’s per week. This builds stamina and lean muscle.

3. PLANTS ROCK! I eat mostly plants! It’s recommended we all eat 9-13 servings of fresh fruit and veggies each day, mostly organic if available. I am vegan, but if you choose to eat meat, be sure it is antibiotic and hormone free.

4. BRIDGE THE GAP! To fortify my immune system and to fill in the gaps of not getting enough fruits and veggies each day, I take whole food plant powder concentrates as my supplement. Plant powders vs. a multivitamin makes sense to me. My personal choice is Juice Plus+ for the quality and science behind it. You can find it at www.wildabout.juiceplus.com I also take a tablespoon of fresh elderberry syrup, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Quercetin, and Zinc daily.

5. GO WITHIN! I meditate for at least 10-15 minutes each day. Don’t underestimate the power of this practice. Your mind and heart are turned on to have clarity and receive abundance.

6. SELF-LOVE! Daily positive affirmations are empowering, and I choose one to repeat throughout the day to build my confidence.

7. GOOD VIBES! Setting boundaries is critically important to mental health, and I choose to associate with positive, uplifting, loving, and supportive people. I limit my exposure to negative energy.

8. YOU SNOOZE…YOU WIN! Try as I may, getting the recommended 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night is challenging, but I do get 6-7, and I’m trying to be better at that so I can wake refreshed and ready for the new day. Your body repairs and rejuvenates during sleep, so we can’t neglect our bodies at night.

9. I LOVE LIFE…AND YOU! I am naturally grateful and try to practice gratitude daily by thanking God for my beautiful life. I also make it a point to touch someone’s life each day by reaching out to show my appreciation for them. A simple ‘thank you” goes a long way.

10. CURIOSITY DID NOT KILL THIS KAT! I am naturally a curious “Kat” and love learning something new. The way I continually grow is to challenge myself to learn at least one new thing or try one new thing each day. My mind is wide open, and I never shut the door to new ideas or concepts. My motto is just because it’s the way I’ve always done it doesn’t mean it’s the best way to do it. I want to know the best way to do it. Don’t you? We don’t know what we don’t know, so I feel like I will die on the vine if I fail to be open. Knowledge nourishes my mind, body, and soul.

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